Information for Foreign License Holders

We welcome international Time Builders at Flight Time Building, LLC. To be eligible, you must complete the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Verification of Authenticity Form.

It is advised to complete this form online 45-90 days prior to traveling to the United States. Depending on the country issuing the license, it may take longer to process the request.

Note: Do not schedule any travel and/or time building until a valid Verification Letter has been obtained from Airmen Certification Branch.

As a Foreign Pilot, aircraft are dispatched to you the time builder upon you receiving your FAA PPL, acquiring the appropriate renters insurance (Currently $93 per month) and the completion of your Bi-Annual. After this time you are then the proud “owner” of the aircraft till you are done with your time block, we do require a minimum of 6 hours per day or approximately 42 hours per week, we do not have a published maximum per day however you will know your abilities and safety is of utmost concern.

Online IACRA Application (Preferred Method)

To get started, please visit to register for an IACRA “Applicant” account and log in to the program. After logging in to the program, select the option to “START FOREIGN VERIFICATION PROCESS” and follow the steps to apply.

By Mail

Complete the 8060-71 application form and mail the form to:

FAA Airmen Certification Branch
AFB-720, Foreign Verification
P.O. Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0082

Please include a copy of your foreign license. A copy of the foreign medical is only required if you would like a verification of both the foreign license and medical certificate.

If you need assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Verification Process Information

More information on the verification process can be found at:

When do you need a letter of authenticity?

  • Acquisition of Commercial Pilot Certificate. Once you receive the U.S.CPL this will be a stand-alone certificate, independent from your foreign certificate. However, to be eligible for the CPL you must hold at least a Private Pilot Certificate (PPL).
  • Acquisition of an Instrument Rating without FAA Stand-alone PPL
  • Acquisition of a Multi Engine Rating without Stand-Alone U.S. Certificate
  • U.S Restricted License foreign based (Validation)
  • If you hold a FAA Validation/ Foreign based FAA License and your based-on license number and/or Type/Class ratings changed since.
