Thank you for your interest in Flying here at Flight Time Building LLC where we strive at getting all of your Time Building needs met. We strive for a 100% completion and satisfaction rate and we do plan to keep it that way.
To have this Rate of success and satisfaction we have developed our unique way of time building in that we reserve aircraft ahead of time and issue aircraft to Time Builders.
Due to our method of time building we do not do anything smaller than a 50 hour block and will do any amount up to and above 1000 hours.
For FAA Licensed and Rated Pilots looking to join us we do allow for self qualification and do not require a Check Flight with an instructor, if however you would like a familiarization flight we can arrange for one, aircraft are dispatched to you the time builder upon acquiring the appropriate renters insurance (Currently $93 per month). After this time you are then the proud “owner” of the aircraft till you are done with your time block, we do require a minimum of 6 hours per day or approximately 42 hours per week, we do not have a published maximum per day however you will know your abilities and safety is of utmost concern.
For the Foreign Pilots we can assist in the Foreign Pilot Verification as necessary, and assist you in obtaining your FAA PPL as necessary.
As a Foreign Pilot, aircraft are dispatched to you the time builder upon you receiving your FAA PPL, acquiring the appropriate renters insurance (Currently $93 per month) and the completion of your Bi-Annual. After this time you are then the proud “owner” of the aircraft till you are done with your time block, we do require a minimum of 6 hours per day or approximately 42 hours per week, we do not have a published maximum per day however you will know your abilities and safety is of utmost concern.
In general most Time Builders need about 100 to 150 hours and therefore get the 150 hour block in the Cessna 152 which with current fuel prices puts the time build at about 4 weeks and about $11500 USD which would include aircraft, fuel and oil. This price however does not include accommodation, transportation, meals, entertainment or any additional cost you may incur elsewhere.
I hope that this general memo has been useful in helping you make your decision and has answered some of your questions and we do look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.
Please feel free to ask further questions and we will be happy to answer them on a one on one basis.